hrp0094p2-3 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2021

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals: an often-forgotten etiology of endocrinological disturbances

Lemos Ana Pereira , Duarte Mariana , Galhardo Julia , Lopes Lurdes ,

Background: Endocrine disruptors (ED) are chemicals that can mimic hormones and interfere with their receptors, causing endocrinological abnormalities.Clinical report: We present the case of a previously healthy, melanodermic, two-year-old female, who had a three-month evolution of clitoromegaly and generalized hypertrichosis. Endocrine blood work showed suppressed serum androgens suggesting steroid exogenous contact. Karyotype, bone age...

hrp0094p2-339 | Multisystem endocrine disorders | ESPE2021

Three generations of MEN-1: the importance of family screening

Duarte Mariana , Pereira Lemos Ana , Galhardo Julia , Lopes Lurdes ,

Background: Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN-1) is a rare and underdiagnosed syndrome caused by inactivating mutations of the tumor suppressor gene MEN-1 that predisposes to multiple tumors classically situated in the anterior Pituitary, Parathyroid, and Pancreas. The mutation is transmitted in an autosomal dominant way, and for this reason, the screening of all first-degree relatives is mandatory afte...

hrp0095p2-304 | Late Breaking | ESPE2022

Diabetic ketoacidosis associated with hypertriglyceridemia in the pediatric age group – A case report

Zorron Mariana , Duarte Gomes Machado Raquel , Albiero Camargo Daniela , Seben Julia , Fernanda Vanti Macedo Paulino Maria , Mendonça Erika , Fanger Vanessa

Introduction: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a potentially fatal hyperglycemic emergency primarily associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D). The association between DKA and severe hypertriglyceridemia has already been previously discussed with a prevalence ranging between 7.1%-25%, with pancreatitis present in the majority of cases. Epidemiological data in the pediatric age are scarce and not well established. Its etiology is not yet fully known. The &qu...